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Java 8

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Default Methods for Interfaces

Java 8 enables us to add non-abstract method implementations to interfaces by utilizing the default keyword. This feature is also known as virtual extension methods.

Here is our first example:

interface Formula {
    double calculate(int a);

    default double sqrt(int a) {
        return Math.sqrt(a);

Besides the abstract method calculate the interface Formula also defines the default method sqrt. Concrete classes only have to implement the abstract method calculate. The default method sqrt can be used out of the box.

Formula formula = new Formula() {
    public double calculate(int a) {
        return sqrt(a * 100);

formula.calculate(100);     // 100.0
formula.sqrt(16);           // 4.0

The formula is implemented as an anonymous object. The code is quite verbose: 6 lines of code for such a simple calculation of sqrt(a * 100). As we’ll see in the next section, there’s a much nicer way of implementing single method objects in Java 8.

Lambda expressions

Let’s start with a simple example of how to sort a list of strings in prior versions of Java:

List<String> names = Arrays.asList("peter", "anna", "mike", "xenia");

Collections.sort(names, new Comparator<String>() {
    public int compare(String a, String b) {
        return b.compareTo(a);

The static utility method Collections.sort accepts a list and a comparator in order to sort the elements of the given list. You often find yourself creating anonymous comparators and pass them to the sort method.

Instead of creating anonymous objects all day long, Java 8 comes with a much shorter syntax, lambda expressions:

Collections.sort(names, (String a, String b) -> {
    return b.compareTo(a);

As you can see the code is much shorter and easier to read. But it gets even shorter:

Collections.sort(names, (String a, String b) -> b.compareTo(a));

For one line method bodies you can skip both the braces {} and the return keyword. But it gets even shorter:

names.sort((a, b) -> b.compareTo(a));

List now has a sort method. Also the java compiler is aware of the parameter types so you can skip them as well. Let’s dive deeper into how lambda expressions can be used in the wild.

Functional Interfaces

How does lambda expressions fit into Java’s type system? Each lambda corresponds to a given type, specified by an interface. A so called functional interface must contain exactly one abstract method declaration. Each lambda expression of that type will be matched to this abstract method. Since default methods are not abstract you’re free to add default methods to your functional interface.

We can use arbitrary interfaces as lambda expressions as long as the interface only contains one abstract method. To ensure that your interface meet the requirements, you should add the @FunctionalInterface annotation. The compiler is aware of this annotation and throws a compiler error as soon as you try to add a second abstract method declaration to the interface.


interface Converter<F, T> {
    T convert(F from);
Converter<String, Integer> converter = (from) -> Integer.valueOf(from);
Integer converted = converter.convert("123");
System.out.println(converted);    // 123

Keep in mind that the code is also valid if the @FunctionalInterface annotation would be omitted.

Method and Constructor References

The above example code can be further simplified by utilizing static method references:

Converter<String, Integer> converter = Integer::valueOf;
Integer converted = converter.convert("123");
System.out.println(converted);   // 123

Java 8 enables you to pass references of methods or constructors via the :: keyword. The above example shows how to reference a static method. But we can also reference object methods:

class Something {
    String startsWith(String s) {
        return String.valueOf(s.charAt(0));
Something something = new Something();
Converter<String, String> converter = something::startsWith;
String converted = converter.convert("Java");
System.out.println(converted);    // "J"

Let’s see how the :: keyword works for constructors. First we define an example class with different constructors:

class Person {
    String firstName;
    String lastName;

    Person() {}

    Person(String firstName, String lastName) {
        this.firstName = firstName;
        this.lastName = lastName;

Next we specify a person factory interface to be used for creating new persons:

interface PersonFactory<P extends Person> {
    P create(String firstName, String lastName);

Instead of implementing the factory manually, we glue everything together via constructor references:

PersonFactory<Person> personFactory = Person::new;
Person person = personFactory.create("Peter", "Parker");

We create a reference to the Person constructor via Person::new. The Java compiler automatically chooses the right constructor by matching the signature of PersonFactory.create.

Lambda Scopes

Accessing outer scope variables from lambda expressions is very similar to anonymous objects. You can access final variables from the local outer scope as well as instance fields and static variables.

Accessing local variables

We can read final local variables from the outer scope of lambda expressions:

final int num = 1;
Converter<Integer, String> stringConverter =
        (from) -> String.valueOf(from + num);

stringConverter.convert(2);     // 3

But different to anonymous objects the variable num does not have to be declared final. This code is also valid:

int num = 1;
Converter<Integer, String> stringConverter =
        (from) -> String.valueOf(from + num);

stringConverter.convert(2);     // 3

However num must be implicitly final for the code to compile. The following code does not compile:

int num = 1;
Converter<Integer, String> stringConverter =
        (from) -> String.valueOf(from + num);
num = 3;

Writing to num from within the lambda expression is also prohibited.

Accessing fields and static variables

In contrast to local variables, we have both read and write access to instance fields and static variables from within lambda expressions. This behaviour is well known from anonymous objects.

class Lambda4 {
    static int outerStaticNum;
    int outerNum;

    void testScopes() {
        Converter<Integer, String> stringConverter1 = (from) -> {
            outerNum = 23;
            return String.valueOf(from);

        Converter<Integer, String> stringConverter2 = (from) -> {
            outerStaticNum = 72;
            return String.valueOf(from);

Accessing Default Interface Methods

Remember the formula example from the first section? Interface Formula defines a default method sqrt which can be accessed from each formula instance including anonymous objects. This does not work with lambda expressions.

Default methods cannot be accessed from within lambda expressions. The following code does not compile:

Formula formula = (a) -> sqrt(a * 100);

Built-in Functional Interfaces

The JDK 1.8 API contains many built-in functional interfaces. Some of them are well known from older versions of Java like Comparator or Runnable. Those existing interfaces are extended to enable Lambda support via the @FunctionalInterface annotation.

But the Java 8 API is also full of new functional interfaces to make your life easier. Some of those new interfaces are well known from the Google Guava library. Even if you’re familiar with this library you should keep a close eye on how those interfaces are extended by some useful method extensions.


Predicates are boolean-valued functions of one argument. The interface contains various default methods for composing predicates to complex logical terms (and, or, negate)

Predicate<String> predicate = (s) -> s.length() > 0;

predicate.test("foo");              // true
predicate.negate().test("foo");     // false

Predicate<Boolean> nonNull = Objects::nonNull;
Predicate<Boolean> isNull = Objects::isNull;

Predicate<String> isEmpty = String::isEmpty;
Predicate<String> isNotEmpty = isEmpty.negate();


Functions accept one argument and produce a result. Default methods can be used to chain multiple functions together (compose, andThen).

Function<String, Integer> toInteger = Integer::valueOf;
Function<String, String> backToString = toInteger.andThen(String::valueOf);

backToString.apply("123");     // "123"


Suppliers produce a result of a given generic type. Unlike Functions, Suppliers don’t accept arguments.

Supplier<Person> personSupplier = Person::new;
personSupplier.get();   // new Person


Consumers represent operations to be performed on a single input argument.

Consumer<Person> greeter = (p) -> System.out.println("Hello, " + p.firstName);
greeter.accept(new Person("Luke", "Skywalker"));


Comparators are well known from older versions of Java. Java 8 adds various default methods to the interface.

Comparator<Person> comparator = (p1, p2) -> p1.firstName.compareTo(p2.firstName);

Person p1 = new Person("John", "Doe");
Person p2 = new Person("Alice", "Wonderland");, p2);             // > 0
comparator.reversed().compare(p1, p2);  // < 0


Optionals are not functional interfaces, but nifty utilities to prevent NullPointerException. It’s an important concept for the next section, so let’s have a quick look at how Optionals work.

Optional is a simple container for a value which may be null or non-null. Think of a method which may return a non-null result but sometimes return nothing. Instead of returning null you return an Optional in Java 8.

Optional<String> optional = Optional.of("bam");

optional.isPresent();           // true
optional.get();                 // "bam"
optional.orElse("fallback");    // "bam"

optional.ifPresent((s) -> System.out.println(s.charAt(0)));     // "b"


A java.util.Stream represents a sequence of elements on which one or more operations can be performed. Stream operations are either intermediate or terminal. While terminal operations return a result of a certain type, intermediate operations return the stream itself so you can chain multiple method calls in a row. Streams are created on a source, e.g. a java.util.Collection like lists or sets (maps are not supported). Stream operations can either be executed sequentially or parallely.

Streams are extremely powerful, so I wrote a separate Java 8 Streams Tutorial. You should also check out Stream.js, a JavaScript port of the Java 8 Streams API.

Let’s first look how sequential streams work. First we create a sample source in form of a list of strings:

List<String> stringCollection = new ArrayList<>();

Collections in Java 8 are extended so you can simply create streams either by calling or Collection.parallelStream(). The following sections explain the most common stream operations.


Filter accepts a predicate to filter all elements of the stream. This operation is intermediate which enables us to call another stream operation (forEach) on the result. ForEach accepts a consumer to be executed for each element in the filtered stream. ForEach is a terminal operation. It’s void, so we cannot call another stream operation.

    .filter((s) -> s.startsWith("a"))

// "aaa2", "aaa1"


Sorted is an intermediate operation which returns a sorted view of the stream. The elements are sorted in natural order unless you pass a custom Comparator.

    .filter((s) -> s.startsWith("a"))

// "aaa1", "aaa2"

Keep in mind that sorted does only create a sorted view of the stream without manipulating the ordering of the backed collection. The ordering of stringCollection is untouched:

// ddd2, aaa2, bbb1, aaa1, bbb3, ccc, bbb2, ddd1


The intermediate operation map converts each element into another object via the given function. The following example converts each string into an upper-cased string. But you can also use map to transform each object into another type. The generic type of the resulting stream depends on the generic type of the function you pass to map.

    .sorted((a, b) -> b.compareTo(a))

// "DDD2", "DDD1", "CCC", "BBB3", "BBB2", "AAA2", "AAA1"


Various matching operations can be used to check whether a certain predicate matches the stream. All of those operations are terminal and return a boolean result.

boolean anyStartsWithA =
        .anyMatch((s) -> s.startsWith("a"));

System.out.println(anyStartsWithA);      // true

boolean allStartsWithA =
        .allMatch((s) -> s.startsWith("a"));

System.out.println(allStartsWithA);      // false

boolean noneStartsWithZ =
        .noneMatch((s) -> s.startsWith("z"));

System.out.println(noneStartsWithZ);      // true


Count is a terminal operation returning the number of elements in the stream as a long.

long startsWithB =
        .filter((s) -> s.startsWith("b"))

System.out.println(startsWithB);    // 3


This terminal operation performs a reduction on the elements of the stream with the given function. The result is an Optional holding the reduced value.

Optional<String> reduced =
        .reduce((s1, s2) -> s1 + "#" + s2);

// "aaa1#aaa2#bbb1#bbb2#bbb3#ccc#ddd1#ddd2"

Parallel Streams

As mentioned above streams can be either sequential or parallel. Operations on sequential streams are performed on a single thread while operations on parallel streams are performed concurrently on multiple threads.

The following example demonstrates how easy it is to increase the performance by using parallel streams.

First we create a large list of unique elements:

int max = 1000000;
List<String> values = new ArrayList<>(max);
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
    UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();

Now we measure the time it takes to sort a stream of this collection.

Sequential Sort

long t0 = System.nanoTime();

long count =;

long t1 = System.nanoTime();

long millis = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(t1 - t0);
System.out.println(String.format("sequential sort took: %d ms", millis));

// sequential sort took: 899 ms

Parallel Sort

long t0 = System.nanoTime();

long count = values.parallelStream().sorted().count();

long t1 = System.nanoTime();

long millis = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(t1 - t0);
System.out.println(String.format("parallel sort took: %d ms", millis));

// parallel sort took: 472 ms

As you can see both code snippets are almost identical but the parallel sort is roughly 50% faster. All you have to do is change stream() to parallelStream().


As already mentioned maps do not directly support streams. There’s no stream() method available on the Map interface itself, however you can create specialized streams upon the keys, values or entries of a map via map.keySet().stream(), map.values().stream() and map.entrySet().stream().

Furthermore maps support various new and useful methods for doing common tasks.

Map<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<>();

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    map.putIfAbsent(i, "val" + i);

map.forEach((id, val) -> System.out.println(val));

The above code should be self-explaining: putIfAbsent prevents us from writing additional if null checks; forEach accepts a consumer to perform operations for each value of the map.

This example shows how to compute code on the map by utilizing functions:

map.computeIfPresent(3, (num, val) -> val + num);
map.get(3);             // val33

map.computeIfPresent(9, (num, val) -> null);
map.containsKey(9);     // false

map.computeIfAbsent(23, num -> "val" + num);
map.containsKey(23);    // true

map.computeIfAbsent(3, num -> "bam");
map.get(3);             // val33

Next, we learn how to remove entries for a given key, only if it’s currently mapped to a given value:

map.remove(3, "val3");
map.get(3);             // val33

map.remove(3, "val33");
map.get(3);             // null

Another helpful method:

map.getOrDefault(42, "not found");  // not found

Merging entries of a map is quite easy:

map.merge(9, "val9", (value, newValue) -> value.concat(newValue));
map.get(9);             // val9

map.merge(9, "concat", (value, newValue) -> value.concat(newValue));
map.get(9);             // val9concat

Merge either put the key/value into the map if no entry for the key exists, or the merging function will be called to change the existing value.

Date API

Java 8 contains a brand new date and time API under the package java.time. The new Date API is comparable with the Joda-Time library, however it’s not the same. The following examples cover the most important parts of this new API.


Clock provides access to the current date and time. Clocks are aware of a timezone and may be used instead of System.currentTimeMillis() to retrieve the current time in milliseconds since Unix EPOCH. Such an instantaneous point on the time-line is also represented by the class Instant. Instants can be used to create legacy java.util.Date objects.

Clock clock = Clock.systemDefaultZone();
long millis = clock.millis();

Instant instant = clock.instant();
Date legacyDate = Date.from(instant);   // legacy java.util.Date


Timezones are represented by a ZoneId. They can easily be accessed via static factory methods. Timezones define the offsets which are important to convert between instants and local dates and times.

// prints all available timezone ids

ZoneId zone1 = ZoneId.of("Europe/Berlin");
ZoneId zone2 = ZoneId.of("Brazil/East");

// ZoneRules[currentStandardOffset=+01:00]
// ZoneRules[currentStandardOffset=-03:00]


LocalTime represents a time without a timezone, e.g. 10pm or 17:30:15. The following example creates two local times for the timezones defined above. Then we compare both times and calculate the difference in hours and minutes between both times.

LocalTime now1 =;
LocalTime now2 =;

System.out.println(now1.isBefore(now2));  // false

long hoursBetween = ChronoUnit.HOURS.between(now1, now2);
long minutesBetween = ChronoUnit.MINUTES.between(now1, now2);

System.out.println(hoursBetween);       // -3
System.out.println(minutesBetween);     // -239

LocalTime comes with various factory methods to simplify the creation of new instances, including parsing of time strings.

LocalTime late = LocalTime.of(23, 59, 59);
System.out.println(late);       // 23:59:59

DateTimeFormatter germanFormatter =

LocalTime leetTime = LocalTime.parse("13:37", germanFormatter);
System.out.println(leetTime);   // 13:37


LocalDate represents a distinct date, e.g. 2014-03-11. It’s immutable and works exactly analog to LocalTime. The sample demonstrates how to calculate new dates by adding or subtracting days, months or years. Keep in mind that each manipulation returns a new instance.

LocalDate today =;
LocalDate tomorrow =, ChronoUnit.DAYS);
LocalDate yesterday = tomorrow.minusDays(2);

LocalDate independenceDay = LocalDate.of(2014, Month.JULY, 4);
DayOfWeek dayOfWeek = independenceDay.getDayOfWeek();
System.out.println(dayOfWeek);    // FRIDAY

Parsing a LocalDate from a string is just as simple as parsing a LocalTime:

DateTimeFormatter germanFormatter =

LocalDate xmas = LocalDate.parse("24.12.2014", germanFormatter);
System.out.println(xmas);   // 2014-12-24


LocalDateTime represents a date-time. It combines date and time as seen in the above sections into one instance. LocalDateTime is immutable and works similar to LocalTime and LocalDate. We can utilize methods for retrieving certain fields from a date-time:

LocalDateTime sylvester = LocalDateTime.of(2014, Month.DECEMBER, 31, 23, 59, 59);

DayOfWeek dayOfWeek = sylvester.getDayOfWeek();
System.out.println(dayOfWeek);      // WEDNESDAY

Month month = sylvester.getMonth();
System.out.println(month);          // DECEMBER

long minuteOfDay = sylvester.getLong(ChronoField.MINUTE_OF_DAY);
System.out.println(minuteOfDay);    // 1439

With the additional information of a timezone it can be converted to an instant. Instants can easily be converted to legacy dates of type java.util.Date.

Instant instant = sylvester

Date legacyDate = Date.from(instant);
System.out.println(legacyDate);     // Wed Dec 31 23:59:59 CET 2014

Formatting date-times works just like formatting dates or times. Instead of using pre-defined formats we can create formatters from custom patterns.

DateTimeFormatter formatter =
        .ofPattern("MMM dd, yyyy - HH:mm");

LocalDateTime parsed = LocalDateTime.parse("Nov 03, 2014 - 07:13", formatter);
String string = formatter.format(parsed);
System.out.println(string);     // Nov 03, 2014 - 07:13

Unlike java.text.NumberFormat the new DateTimeFormatter is immutable and thread-safe.

For details on the pattern syntax read here.


Annotations in Java 8 are repeatable. Let’s dive directly into an example to figure that out.

First, we define a wrapper annotation which holds an array of the actual annotations:

@interface Hints {
    Hint[] value();

@interface Hint {
    String value();

Java 8 enables us to use multiple annotations of the same type by declaring the annotation @Repeatable.

Variant 1: Using the container annotation (old school)

@Hints({@Hint("hint1"), @Hint("hint2")})
class Person {}

Variant 2: Using repeatable annotations (new school)

class Person {}

Using variant 2 the java compiler implicitly sets up the @Hints annotation under the hood. That’s important for reading annotation information via reflection.

Hint hint = Person.class.getAnnotation(Hint.class);
System.out.println(hint);                   // null

Hints hints1 = Person.class.getAnnotation(Hints.class);
System.out.println(hints1.value().length);  // 2

Hint[] hints2 = Person.class.getAnnotationsByType(Hint.class);
System.out.println(hints2.length);          // 2

Although we never declared the @Hints annotation on the Person class, it’s still readable via getAnnotation(Hints.class). However, the more convenient method is getAnnotationsByType which grants direct access to all annotated @Hint annotations.

Furthermore the usage of annotations in Java 8 is expanded to two new targets:

@Target({ElementType.TYPE_PARAMETER, ElementType.TYPE_USE})
@interface MyAnnotation {}

Where to go from here?

If you want to learn more about all the new classes and features of the JDK 8 API, check out my JDK8 API Explorer. It helps you figuring out all the new classes and hidden gems of JDK 8, like Arrays.parallelSort, StampedLock and CompletableFuture - just to name a few.

RxJava 2.x


Reactive Streams

Reactive Streams is a programming concept for handling asynchronous data streams in a non-blocking manner while providing backpressure to stream publishers. It has evolved into a specification that is based on the concept of Publisher<T> and Subscriber<T>. A Publisher is the source of events T in the stream, and a Subscriber is the consumer for those events. A Subscriber subscribes to a Publisher by invoking a “factory method” in the Publisher that will push the stream items <T> starting a new Subscription:

public interface Publisher<T> {
    public void subscribe(Subscriber<? super T> s);

When the Subscriber is ready to start handling events, it signals this via a request to that Subscription

public interface Subscription {
    public void request(long n); //request n items
    public void cancel();

Upon receiving this signal, the Publisher begins to invoke Subscriber::onNext(T) for each event T. This continues until either completion of the stream (Subscriber::onComplete()) or an error occurs during processing (Subscriber::onError(Throwable)).

public interface Subscriber<T> {
    //signals to the Publisher to start sending events
    public void onSubscribe(Subscription s);     
    public void onNext(T t);
    public void onError(Throwable t);
    public void onComplete();

Flowable and Observable

RxJava provides more types of event publishers:

Code is available at

Simple operators to create Streams

Flowable<Integer> flowable = Flowable.just(1, 5, 10);
Flowable<Integer> flowable = Flowable.range(1, 10);
Flowable<String> flowable = Flowable.fromArray(new String[] {"red", "green", "blue"});
Flowable<String> flowable = Flowable.fromIterable(List.of("red", "green", "blue"));

Flowable from Future

CompletableFuture<String> completableFuture = CompletableFuture
            .supplyAsync(() -> { //starts a background thread the ForkJoin common pool
          "CompletableFuture work starts");  
                    return "red";

Single<String> observable = Single.from(completableFuture);
single.subscribe(val ->"Stream completed successfully : {}", val));

Creating your own stream

We can use Flowable.create(…) to implement the emissions of events by calling onNext(val), onComplete(), onError(throwable)

When subscribing to the Observable / Flowable with flowable.subscribe(…) the lambda code inside create(…) gets executed. Flowable.subscribe(…) can take 3 handlers for each type of event - onNext, onError and onCompleted.

When using Observable.create(…) you need to be aware of backpressure and that Observables created with ‘create’ are not BackPressure aware

Observable<Integer> stream = Observable.create(subscriber -> {"Started emitting");"Emitting 1st");
    subscriber.onNext(1);"Emitting 2nd");


//Flowable version same Observable but with a BackpressureStrategy
//that will be discussed separately.
Flowable<Integer> stream = Flowable.create(subscriber -> {"Started emitting");"Emitting 1st");
    subscriber.onNext(1);"Emitting 2nd");

}, BackpressureStrategy.MISSING);

       val ->"Subscriber received: {}", val),
       err -> log.error("Subscriber received error", err),
       () ->"Subscriber got Completed event")

Streams are lazy

Streams are lazy meaning that the code inside create() doesn’t get executed without subscribing to the stream. So event if we sleep for a long time inside create() method(to simulate a costly operation), without subscribing to this Observable, the code is not executed and the method returns immediately.

public void observablesAreLazy() {
    Observable<Integer> observable = Observable.create(subscriber -> {"Started emitting but sleeping for 5 secs"); //this is not executed
[main] - Finished

Multiple subscriptions to the same Observable / Flowable

When subscribing to an Observable/Flowable, the create() method gets executed for each Subscriber, the events inside create(..) are re-emitted to each subscriber independently.

So every subscriber will get the same events and will not lose any events - this behavior is named ‘cold observable’ See Hot Publishers to understand sharing a subscription and multicasting events.

Observable<Integer> observable = Observable.create(subscriber -> {"Started emitting");"Emitting 1st event");
   subscriber.onNext(1);"Emitting 2nd event");

});"Subscribing 1st subscriber");
observable.subscribe(val ->"First Subscriber received: {}", val));"=======================");"Subscribing 2nd subscriber");
observable.subscribe(val ->"Second Subscriber received: {}", val));

will output

[main] - Subscribing 1st subscriber
[main] - Started emitting
[main] - Emitting 1st event
[main] - First Subscriber received: 1
[main] - Emitting 2nd event
[main] - First Subscriber received: 2
[main] - =======================
[main] - Subscribing 2nd subscriber
[main] - Started emitting
[main] - Emitting 1st event
[main] - Second Subscriber received: 1
[main] - Emitting 2nd event
[main] - Second Subscriber received: 2

Observable / Flowable lifecycle


Between the source Observable / Flowable and the Subscriber there can be a wide range of operators and RxJava provides lots of operators to chose from. Probably you are already familiar with functional operations like filter and map. so let’s use them as example:

Flowable<Integer> stream = Flowable.create(subscriber -> {
    }, BackpressureStrategy.MISSING);
    .filter(val -> val < 10)
    .map(val -> val * 10)
    .subscribe(val ->"Received: {}", val));

When we call Flowable.create() you might think that we’re calling onNext(..), onComplete(..) on the Subscriber at the end of the chain, not the operators between them.

This is not true because the operators themselves are decorators for their source wrapping it with the operator behavior like an onion’s layers. When we call .subscribe() at the end of the chain, Subscription propagates through the layers back to the source, each operator subscribing itself to it’s wrapped source Observable / Flowable and so on to the original source, triggering it to start producing/emitting items.

Flowable.create calls —> filterOperator.onNext(val) which if val > 10 calls —> mapOperator.onNext(val) does val = val * 10 and calls —> subscriber.onNext(val).

Found a nice analogy with a team of house movers, with every mover doing it’s thing before passing it to the next in line until it reaches the final subscriber.


Canceling subscription

Inside the create() method, we can check is there are still active subscribers to our Flowable/Observable.

There are operators that also unsubscribe from the stream so the source knows to stop producing events.
It’s a way to prevent to do extra work(like for ex. querying a datasource for entries) if no one is listening In the following example we’d expect to have an infinite stream, but because we stop if there are no active subscribers, we stop producing events.

take(limit) is a simple operator. It’s role is to count the number of events and then unsubscribes from it’s source once it received the specified amount and calls onComplete() to it’s subscriber.

Observable<Integer> observable = Observable.create(subscriber -> {

    int i = 1;
    while(true) {
        if(subscriber.isDisposed()) {

        //registering a callback when the downstream subscriber unsubscribes
        subscriber.setCancellable(() ->"Subscription canceled"));

    .take(5) //unsubscribes after the 5th event
    .subscribe(val ->"Subscriber received: {}", val),
               err -> log.error("Subscriber received error", err),
               () ->"Subscriber got Completed event") //The Complete event 
               //is triggered by 'take()' operator

[main] - Subscriber received: *1*
[main] - Subscriber received: *2*
[main] - Subscriber received: *3*
[main] - Subscriber received: *4*
[main] - Subscriber received: *5*
[main] - Subscriber got Completed event
[main] - Subscription canceled

Simple Operators

Code is available at


Delay operator - the Thread.sleep of the reactive world, it’s pausing each emission for a particular increment of time.

CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
Flowable.range(0, 2)
        .doOnNext(val ->"Emitted {}", val))
        .delay(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
        .subscribe(tick ->"Tick {}", tick),
                   (ex) ->"Error emitted"),
                   () -> {

14:27:44 [main] - Starting
14:27:45 [main] - Emitted 0
14:27:45 [main] - Emitted 1
14:27:50 [RxComputationThreadPool-1] - Tick 0
14:27:50 [RxComputationThreadPool-1] - Tick 1
14:27:50 [RxComputationThreadPool-1] - Completed

The .delay(), .interval() operators uses a Scheduler by default which is why we see it executing on a different thread RxComputationThreadPool-1 which actually means it’s running the operators and the subscribe operations on another thread and so the test method will terminate before we see the text from the log unless we wait for the completion of the stream.


Periodically emits a number starting from 0 and then increasing the value on each emission."Starting");
Flowable.interval(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
       .subscribe(tick ->"Subscriber received {}", tick),
                  (ex) ->"Error emitted"),
                  () ->"Subscriber got Completed event"));

12:17:56 [main] - Starting
12:18:01 [RxComputationThreadPool-1] - Subscriber received: 0
12:18:06 [RxComputationThreadPool-1] - Subscriber received: 1
12:18:11 [RxComputationThreadPool-1] - Subscriber received: 2
12:18:16 [RxComputationThreadPool-1] - Subscriber received: 3
12:18:21 [RxComputationThreadPool-1] - Subscriber received: 4
12:18:21 [RxComputationThreadPool-1] - Subscriber got Completed event


Takes an initial value and a function(accumulator, currentValue). It goes through the events sequence and combines the current event value with the previous result(accumulator) emitting downstream the function’s result for each event(the initial value is used for the first event)

Flowable<Integer> numbers = 
                Flowable.just(3, 5, -2, 9)
                    .scan(0, (totalSoFar, currentValue) -> {
                     "TotalSoFar={}, currentValue={}", 
                                            totalSoFar, currentValue);
                               return totalSoFar + currentValue;

16:09:17 [main] - Subscriber received: 0
16:09:17 [main] - TotalSoFar=0, currentValue=3
16:09:17 [main] - Subscriber received: 3
16:09:17 [main] - TotalSoFar=3, currentValue=5
16:09:17 [main] - Subscriber received: 8
16:09:17 [main] - TotalSoFar=8, currentValue=-2
16:09:17 [main] - Subscriber received: 6
16:09:17 [main] - TotalSoFar=6, currentValue=9
16:09:17 [main] - Subscriber received: 15
16:09:17 [main] - Subscriber got Completed event


reduce operator acts like the scan operator but it only passes downstream the final result (doesn’t pass the intermediate results downstream) so the subscriber receives just one event

Flowable<Integer> numbers = Flowable.just(3, 5, -2, 9)
                            .reduce(0, (totalSoFar, val) -> {
                               "totalSoFar={}, emitted={}",
                                                        totalSoFar, val);
                                         return totalSoFar + val;
17:08:29 [main] - totalSoFar=0, emitted=3
17:08:29 [main] - totalSoFar=3, emitted=5
17:08:29 [main] - totalSoFar=8, emitted=-2
17:08:29 [main] - totalSoFar=6, emitted=9
17:08:29 [main] - Subscriber received: 15
17:08:29 [main] - Subscriber got Completed event


collect operator acts similar to the reduce operator, but while the reduce operator uses a reduce function which returns a value, the collect operator takes a container supplier and a function which doesn’t return anything(a consumer). The mutable container is passed for every event and thus you get a chance to modify it in this collect consumer function.

Flowable<List<Integer>> numbers = Flowable.just(3, 5, -2, 9)
                                        .collect(ArrayList::new, (container, value) -> {
                                  "Adding {} to container", value);
                                            //notice we don't need to return anything
17:40:18 [main] - Adding 3 to container
17:40:18 [main] - Adding 5 to container
17:40:18 [main] - Adding -2 to container
17:40:18 [main] - Adding 9 to container
17:40:18 [main] - Subscriber received: [3, 5, -2, 9]
17:40:18 [main] - Subscriber got Completed event

because the usecase to store to a List container is so common, there is a .toList() operator that is just a collector adding to a List.


An easy way to switch from a blocking method to a reactive Single/Flowable is to use .defer(() -> blockingOp()).

Simply using Flowable.just(blockingOp()) would still block, as Java needs to resolve the parameter when invoking Flux.just(param) method, so blockingOp() method would still be invoked(and block).

Flowable<String> flowableBlocked = Flowable.just((blockingOp())); //blocks on this line

In order to get around this problem, we can use Flowable.defer(() -> blockingOp()) and wrap the blockingOp() call inside a lambda which will be invoked lazy at subscribe time.

Flowable<String> stream = Flowable.defer(() -> Flowable.just(blockingOperation())); 
stream.subscribe(val ->"Val " + val)); //only now the code inside defer() is executed

Merging Streams

Operators for working with multiple streams Code at


Zip operator operates sort of like a zipper in the sense that it takes an event from one stream and waits for an event from another other stream. Once an event for the other stream arrives, it uses the zip function to merge the two events.

This is an useful scenario when for example you want to make requests to remote services in parallel and wait for both responses before continuing. It also takes a function which will produce the combined result of the zipped streams once each has emitted a value.


Zip operator besides the streams to zip, also takes as parameter a function which will produce the combined result of the zipped streams once each stream emitted it’s value

Single<Boolean> isUserBlockedStream = 
                    Single.fromFuture(CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
                            return Boolean.FALSE;

Single<Integer> userCreditScoreStream = 
                    Single.fromFuture(CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
                            return 5;

Single<Pair<Boolean, Integer>> userCheckStream =, userCreditScoreStream, 
                      (blocked, creditScore) -> new Pair<Boolean, Integer>(blocked, creditScore));

userCheckStream.subscribe(pair ->"Received " + pair));

Even if the ‘isUserBlockedStream’ finishes after 200ms, ‘userCreditScoreStream’ is slow at 2.3secs, the ‘zip’ method applies the combining function(new Pair(x,y)) after it received both values and passes it to the subscriber.

Another good example of ‘zip’ is to slow down a stream by another basically implementing a periodic emitter of events:

Flowable<String> colors = Flowable.just("red", "green", "blue");
Flowable<Long> timer = Flowable.interval(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Flowable<String> periodicEmitter =, timer, (key, val) -> key);

Since the zip operator needs a pair of events, the slow stream will work like a timer by periodically emitting with zip setting the pace of emissions downstream every 2 seconds.

Zip is not limited to just two streams, it can merge 2,3,4,.. streams and wait for groups of 2,3,4 ‘pairs’ of events which it combines with the zip function and sends downstream.


Merge operator combines one or more stream and passes events downstream as soon as they appear. merge

Flowable<String> colors = periodicEmitter("red", "green", "blue", 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Flowable<Long> numbers = Flowable.interval(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
Flowable flowable = Flowable.merge(colors, numbers);                

21:32:15 - Subscriber received: 0
21:32:16 - Subscriber received: red
21:32:16 - Subscriber received: 1
21:32:17 - Subscriber received: 2
21:32:18 - Subscriber received: green
21:32:18 - Subscriber received: 3
21:32:19 - Subscriber received: 4
21:32:20 - Subscriber received: blue


Concat operator appends another streams at the end of another concat

Flowable<String> colors = periodicEmitter("red", "green", "blue", 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Flowable<Long> numbers = Flowable.interval(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

Flowable events = Flowable.concat(colors, numbers);

22:48:23 - Subscriber received: red
22:48:25 - Subscriber received: green
22:48:27 - Subscriber received: blue
22:48:28 - Subscriber received: 0
22:48:29 - Subscriber received: 1
22:48:30 - Subscriber received: 2
22:48:31 - Subscriber received: 3

Even if the ‘numbers’ streams should start early, the ‘colors’ stream emits fully its events before we see any ‘numbers’. This is because ‘numbers’ stream is actually subscribed only after the ‘colors’ complete. Should the second stream be a ‘hot’ emitter, its events would be lost until the first one finishes and the seconds stream is subscribed.

Hot Publishers

We’ve seen that with ‘cold publishers’, whenever a subscriber subscribes, each subscriber will get it’s version of emitted values independently, the exact set of data indifferently when they subscribe. But cold publishers only produce data when the subscribers subscribes, however there are cases where the events happen independently from the consumers regardless if someone is listening or not and we don’t have control to request more. So you could say we have ‘cold publishers’ for pull scenarios and ‘hot publishers’ which push.


Subjects are one way to handle hot observables. Subjects keep reference to their subscribers and allow ‘multicasting’ an event to them.

for (Disposable<T> s : subscribers.get()) {

Subjects besides being traditional Observables you can use the same operators and subscribe to them, are also an Observer(interface like Subscriber from reactive-streams, implementing the 3 methods onNext, onError, onComplete), meaning you can invoke subject.onNext(value) from different parts in the code, which means that you publish events which the Subject will pass on to their subscribers.

Subject<Integer> subject = ReplaySubject.create()
                     .subscribe(); //


remember for

Observable.create(subscriber -> {


ReplaySubject keeps a buffer of events that it ‘replays’ to each new subscriber, first he receives a batch of missed and only later events in real-time.

Subject<Integer> subject = ReplaySubject.createWithSize(50);"Pushing 0");
subject.onNext(0);"Pushing 1");
subject.onNext(1);"Subscribing 1st");
subject.subscribe(val ->"Subscriber1 received {}", val), 
                            logError(), logComplete());"Pushing 2");
subject.onNext(2);"Subscribing 2nd");
subject.subscribe(val ->"Subscriber2 received {}", val), 
                            logError(), logComplete());"Pushing 3");


[main] - Pushing 0
[main] - Pushing 1
[main] - Subscribing 1st
[main] - Subscriber1 received 0
[main] - Subscriber1 received 1
[main] - Pushing 2
[main] - Subscriber1 received 2
[main] - Subscribing 2nd
[main] - Subscriber2 received 0
[main] - Subscriber2 received 1
[main] - Subscriber2 received 2
[main] - Pushing 3
[main] - Subscriber1 received 3
[main] - Subscriber2 received 3
[main] - Subscriber got Completed event
[main] - Subscriber got Completed event

ConnectableObservable / ConnectableFlowable and resource sharing

There are cases when we want to share a single subscription between subscribers, meaning while the code that executes on subscribing should be executed once, the events should be published to all subscribers.

For ex. when we want to share a connection between multiple Observables / Flowables. Using a plain Observable would just reexecute the code inside .create() and opening / closing a new connection for each new subscriber when it subscribes / cancels its subscription.

ConnectableObservable are a special kind of Observable. No matter how many Subscribers subscribe to ConnectableObservable, it opens just one subscription to the Observable from which it was created.

Anyone who subscribes to ConnectableObservable is placed in a set of Subscribers(it doesn’t trigger the .create() code a normal Observable would when .subscribe() is called). A .connect() method is available for ConnectableObservable. As long as connect() is not called, these Subscribers are put on hold, they never directly subscribe to upstream Observable

ConnectableObservable<Integer> connectableObservable = 
                                  Observable.<Integer>create(subscriber -> {"Inside create()");

     /* A JMS connection listener example
         Just an example of a costly operation that is better to be shared **/

     /* Connection connection = connectionFactory.createConnection();
        Session session = connection.createSession(true, AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
        MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(orders);
        consumer.setMessageListener(subscriber::onNext); */

        subscriber.setCancellable(() ->"Subscription cancelled"));"Emitting 1");
        subscriber.onNext(1);"Emitting 2");


       .subscribe((val) ->"Subscriber1 received: {}", val), 
                    logError(), logComplete());

       .subscribe((val) ->"Subscriber2 received: {}", val), 
                    logError(), logComplete());"Now connecting to the ConnectableObservable");


share() operator

Another operator of the ConnectableObservable .refCount() allows to do away with having to manually call .connect(), instead it invokes the .create() code when the first Subscriber subscribes while sharing this single subscription with subsequent Subscribers. This means that .refCount() basically keeps a count of references of it’s subscribers and subscribes to upstream Observable (executes the code inside .create() just for the first subscriber), but multicasts the same event to each active subscriber. When the last subscriber unsubscribes, the ref counter goes from 1 to 0 and triggers any unsubscribe callback associated.
If another Subscriber subscribes after that, counter goes from 0 to 1 and the process starts over again.

ConnectableObservable<Integer> connectableStream = Observable.<Integer>create(subscriber -> {"Inside create()");
   //Simulated MessageListener emits periodically every 500 milliseconds
   ResourceConnectionHandler resourceConnectionHandler = new ResourceConnectionHandler() {
        public void onMessage(Integer message) {
   "Emitting {}", message);

   //when the last subscriber unsubscribes it will invoke disconnect on the resourceConnectionHandler

//publish().refCount() have been joined together in the .share() operator
Observable<Integer> observable = connectableObservable.refCount();

CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(2);
      .subscribe((val) ->"Subscriber1 received: {}", val), 
                    logError(), logComplete(latch));

Helpers.sleepMillis(1000);"Subscribing 2nd");
//we're not seing the code inside .create() reexecuted
      .subscribe((val) ->"Subscriber2 received: {}", val), 
                    logError(), logComplete(latch));

//waiting for the streams to complete

//subscribing another after previous Subscribers unsubscribed
latch = new CountDownLatch(1);"Subscribing 3rd");
     .subscribe((val) ->"Subscriber3 received: {}", val), logError(), logComplete(latch));

private abstract class ResourceConnectionHandler {

   ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutorService;

   private int counter;

   public void openConnection() {"**Opening connection");

      scheduledExecutorService = periodicEventEmitter(() -> {
            counter ++;
      }, 500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

   public abstract void onMessage(Integer message);

   public void disconnect() {"**Shutting down connection");

14:55:23 [main] INFO BaseTestObservables - Inside create()
14:55:23 [main] INFO BaseTestObservables - **Opening connection
14:55:23 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO BaseTestObservables - Emitting 1
14:55:23 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO BaseTestObservables - Subscriber1 received: 1
14:55:24 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO BaseTestObservables - Emitting 2
14:55:24 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO BaseTestObservables - Subscriber1 received: 2
14:55:24 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO BaseTestObservables - Emitting 3
14:55:24 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO BaseTestObservables - Subscriber1 received: 3
14:55:24 [main] INFO BaseTestObservables - Subscribing 2nd
14:55:25 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO BaseTestObservables - Emitting 4
14:55:25 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO BaseTestObservables - Subscriber1 received: 4
14:55:25 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO BaseTestObservables - Subscriber2 received: 4
14:55:25 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO BaseTestObservables - Emitting 5
14:55:25 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO BaseTestObservables - Subscriber1 received: 5
14:55:25 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO BaseTestObservables - Subscriber got Completed event
14:55:25 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO BaseTestObservables - Subscriber2 received: 5
14:55:25 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO BaseTestObservables - **Shutting down connection
14:55:25 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO BaseTestObservables - Subscriber got Completed event
14:55:25 [main] INFO BaseTestObservables - Subscribing 3rd
14:55:25 [main] INFO BaseTestObservables - Inside create()
14:55:25 [main] INFO BaseTestObservables - **Opening connection
14:55:25 [pool-2-thread-1] INFO BaseTestObservables - Emitting 1
14:55:25 [pool-2-thread-1] INFO BaseTestObservables - Subscriber3 received: 1
14:55:25 [pool-2-thread-1] INFO BaseTestObservables - **Shutting down connection
14:55:25 [pool-2-thread-1] INFO BaseTestObservables - Subscriber got Completed event

The share() operator of Observable / Flowable is an operator which basically does publish().refCount().


RxJava provides some high level concepts for concurrent execution, like ExecutorService we’re not dealing with the low level constructs like creating the Threads ourselves. Instead we’re using a Scheduler which create Workers who are responsible for scheduling and running code. By default RxJava will not introduce concurrency and will run the operations on the subscription thread.

There are two methods through which we can introduce Schedulers into our chain of operations:

RxJava provides some general use Schedulers:

Although we said by default RxJava doesn’t introduce concurrency, lots of operators involve waiting like delay, interval, zip need to run on a Scheduler, otherwise they would just block the subscribing thread. By default Schedulers.computation() is used, but the Scheduler can be passed as a parameter.

Flatmap operator

The flatMap operator is so important and has so many different uses it deserves it’s own category to explain it. Code at

I like to think of it as a sort of fork-join operation because what flatMap does is it takes individual stream items and maps each of them to an Observable(so it creates new Streams from each object) and then ‘flattens’ the events from these Streams back as coming from a single stream.

Why this looks like fork-join because for each element you can fork some jobs that keeps emitting results, and these results are emitted back as elements to the subscribers downstream

Rules of thumb to consider before getting comfortable with flatMap:

We use a simulated remote call that might return asynchronous as many events as the length of the color string

private Flowable<String> simulateRemoteOperation(String color) {
        return Flowable.<String>create(subscriber -> {
            for (int i = 0; i < color.length(); i++) {
                subscriber.onNext(color + i);

        }, BackpressureStrategy.MISSING);

If we have a stream of color names:

Flowable<String> colors = Flowable.just("orange", "red", "green")

to invoke the remote operation:

Flowable<String> colors = Flowable.just("orange", "red", "green")
         .flatMap(colorName -> simulatedRemoteOperation(colorName));

colors.subscribe(val ->"Subscriber received: {}", val));         

16:44:15 [Thread-0]- Subscriber received: orange0
16:44:15 [Thread-2]- Subscriber received: green0
16:44:15 [Thread-1]- Subscriber received: red0
16:44:15 [Thread-0]- Subscriber received: orange1
16:44:15 [Thread-2]- Subscriber received: green1
16:44:15 [Thread-1]- Subscriber received: red1
16:44:15 [Thread-0]- Subscriber received: orange2
16:44:15 [Thread-2]- Subscriber received: green2
16:44:15 [Thread-1]- Subscriber received: red2
16:44:15 [Thread-0]- Subscriber received: orange3
16:44:15 [Thread-2]- Subscriber received: green3
16:44:16 [Thread-0]- Subscriber received: orange4
16:44:16 [Thread-2]- Subscriber received: green4
16:44:16 [Thread-0]- Subscriber received: orange5

Notice how the results are coming intertwined. This is because flatMap actually subscribes to it’s inner Observables returned from ‘simulateRemoteOperation’. You can specify the concurrency level of flatMap as a parameter. Meaning you can say how many of the substreams should be subscribed “concurrently” - after onComplete is triggered on the substreams, a new substream is subscribed-.

By setting the concurrency to 1 we don’t subscribe to other substreams until the current one finishes:

Observable<String> colors = Observable.just("orange", "red", "green")
                     .flatMap(val -> simulateRemoteOperation(val), 1); //

Notice now there is a sequence from each color before the next one appears

17:15:24 [Thread-0]- Subscriber received: orange0
17:15:24 [Thread-0]- Subscriber received: orange1
17:15:25 [Thread-0]- Subscriber received: orange2
17:15:25 [Thread-0]- Subscriber received: orange3
17:15:25 [Thread-0]- Subscriber received: orange4
17:15:25 [Thread-0]- Subscriber received: orange5
17:15:25 [Thread-1]- Subscriber received: red0
17:15:26 [Thread-1]- Subscriber received: red1
17:15:26 [Thread-1]- Subscriber received: red2
17:15:26 [Thread-2]- Subscriber received: green0
17:15:26 [Thread-2]- Subscriber received: green1
17:15:26 [Thread-2]- Subscriber received: green2
17:15:27 [Thread-2]- Subscriber received: green3
17:15:27 [Thread-2]- Subscriber received: green4

There is actually an operator which is basically this flatMap with 1 concurrency called concatMap.

Inside the flatMap we can operate on the substream with the same stream operators

Observable<Pair<String, Integer>> colorsCounted = colors
    .flatMap(colorName -> {
               Observable<Long> timer = Observable.interval(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

               return simulateRemoteOperation(colorName) // <- Still a stream
                              .zipWith(timer, (val, timerVal) -> val)
                              .map(counter -> new Pair<>(colorName, counter));

Error handling

Code at

Exceptions are for exceptional situations. The Observable contract specifies that exceptions are terminal operations. That means in case an error reaches the Subscriber, after invoking the ‘onError’ handler, it also unsubscribes:

Observable<String> colors = Observable.just("green", "blue", "red", "yellow")
       .map(color -> {
              if ("red".equals(color)) {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Encountered red");
              return color + "*";
       .map(val -> val + "XXX");

         val ->"Subscriber received: {}", val),
         exception -> log.error("Subscriber received error '{}'", exception.getMessage()),
         () ->"Subscriber completed")


23:30:17 [main] INFO - Subscriber received: green*XXX
23:30:17 [main] INFO - Subscriber received: blue*XXX
23:30:17 [main] ERROR - Subscriber received error 'Encountered red'

After the map() operator encounters an error it unsubscribes(cancels the subscription) from upstream

There are operators to deal with error flow control:


The ‘onErrorReturn’ operator replaces an exception with a value:

Flowable<Integer> numbers = Flowable.just("1", "3", "a", "4", "5", "c")
Subscriber received: 1
Subscriber received: 3
Subscriber received: 0
Subscriber got Completed event

Notice though how it didn’t prevent map() operator from unsubscribing from the Flowable, but it did trigger the normal onNext callback instead of onError in the subscriber.

Let’s introduce a more realcase scenario of a simulated remote request that might fail

private Observable<String> simulateRemoteOperation(String color) {
    return Observable.<String>create(subscriber -> {
         if ("red".equals(color)) {
    "Emitting RuntimeException for {}", color);
              throw new RuntimeException("Color red raises exception");
         if ("black".equals(color)) {
    "Emitting IllegalArgumentException for {}", color);
              throw new IllegalArgumentException("Black is not a color");

         String value = "**" + color + "**";
"Emitting {}", value);

Flowable<String> colors = Flowable.just("green", "blue", "red", "white", "blue")
                .flatMap(color -> simulateRemoteOperation(color))
                .onErrorReturn(throwable -> "-blank-");


22:15:51 [main] INFO - Emitting **green**
22:15:51 [main] INFO - Subscriber received: **green**
22:15:51 [main] INFO - Emitting **blue**
22:15:51 [main] INFO - Subscriber received: **blue**
22:15:51 [main] INFO - Emitting RuntimeException for red
22:15:51 [main] INFO - Subscriber received: -blank-
22:15:51 [main] INFO - Subscriber got Completed event

flatMap encounters an error when it subscribes to ‘red’ substreams and thus still unsubscribe from ‘colors’ stream and the remaining colors are not longer emitted

Flowable<String> colors = Flowable.just("green", "blue", "red", "white", "blue")
                .flatMap(color -> simulateRemoteOperation(color)
                                    .onErrorReturn(throwable -> "-blank-")

onErrorReturn() is applied to the flatMap substream and thus translates the exception to a value and so flatMap continues on with the other colors after red


22:15:51 [main] INFO - Emitting **green**
22:15:51 [main] INFO - Subscriber received: **green**
22:15:51 [main] INFO - Emitting **blue**
22:15:51 [main] INFO - Subscriber received: **blue**
22:15:51 [main] INFO - Emitting RuntimeException for red
22:15:51 [main] INFO - Subscriber received: -blank-
22:15:51 [main] INFO - Emitting **white**
22:15:51 [main] INFO - Subscriber received: **white**
22:15:51 [main] INFO - Emitting **blue**
22:15:51 [main] INFO - Subscriber received: **blue**
22:15:51 [main] INFO - Subscriber got Completed event


onErrorResumeNext() returns a stream instead of an exception, useful for example to invoke a fallback method that returns also a stream

Observable<String> colors = Observable.just("green", "blue", "red", "white", "blue")
     .flatMap(color -> simulateRemoteOperation(color)
                        .onErrorResumeNext(th -> {
                            if (th instanceof IllegalArgumentException) {
                                return Observable.error(new RuntimeException("Fatal, wrong arguments"));
                            return fallbackRemoteOperation();

private Observable<String> fallbackRemoteOperation() {
        return Observable.just("blank");



Timeout operator raises exception when there are no events incoming before it’s predecessor in the specified time limit.


retry() - resubscribes in case of exception to the Observable

Flowable<String> colors = Flowable.just("red", "blue", "green", "yellow")
       .concatMap(color -> delayedByLengthEmitter(TimeUnit.SECONDS, color) 
                             //if there are no events flowing in the timeframe   
                             .timeout(6, TimeUnit.SECONDS)  



12:40:16 [main] INFO - Received red delaying for 3 
12:40:19 [main] INFO - Subscriber received: red
12:40:19 [RxComputationScheduler-2] INFO - Received blue delaying for 4 
12:40:23 [main] INFO - Subscriber received: blue
12:40:23 [RxComputationScheduler-4] INFO - Received green delaying for 5 
12:40:28 [main] INFO - Subscriber received: green
12:40:28 [RxComputationScheduler-6] INFO - Received yellow delaying for 6 
12:40:34 [RxComputationScheduler-7] INFO - Received yellow delaying for 6 
12:40:40 [RxComputationScheduler-1] INFO - Received yellow delaying for 6 
12:40:46 [main] INFO - Subscriber received: blank
12:40:46 [main] INFO - Subscriber got Completed event

When you want to retry considering the thrown exception type:

Observable<String> colors = Observable.just("blue", "red", "black", "yellow")
         .flatMap(colorName -> simulateRemoteOperation(colorName)
                .retry((retryAttempt, exception) -> {
                           if (exception instanceof IllegalArgumentException) {
                               log.error("{} encountered non retry exception ", colorName);
                               return false;
                 "Retry attempt {} for {}", retryAttempt, colorName);
                           return retryAttempt <= 2;
                .onErrorResumeNext(Observable.just("generic color"))
13:21:37 [main] INFO - Emitting **blue**
13:21:37 [main] INFO - Emitting RuntimeException for red
13:21:37 [main] INFO - Retry attempt 1 for red
13:21:37 [main] INFO - Emitting RuntimeException for red
13:21:37 [main] INFO - Retry attempt 2 for red
13:21:37 [main] INFO - Emitting RuntimeException for red
13:21:37 [main] INFO - Retry attempt 3 for red
13:21:37 [main] INFO - Emitting IllegalArgumentException for black
13:21:37 [main] ERROR - black encountered non retry exception 
13:21:37 [main] INFO - Emitting **yellow**
13:21:37 [main] INFO - Subscriber received: **blue**
13:21:37 [main] INFO - Subscriber received: generic color
13:21:37 [main] INFO - Subscriber received: generic color
13:21:37 [main] INFO - Subscriber received: **yellow**
13:21:37 [main] INFO - Subscriber got Completed event


A more complex retry logic like implementing a backoff strategy in case of exception This can be obtained with retryWhen(exceptionObservable -> Observable)

retryWhen resubscribes when an event from an Observable is emitted. It receives as parameter an exception stream

we zip the exceptionsStream with a .range() stream to obtain the number of retries, however we want to wait a little before retrying so in the zip function we return a delayed event - .timer()

The delay also needs to be subscribed to be effected so we also flatMap

Observable<String> colors = Observable.just("blue", "green", "red", "black", "yellow");

colors.flatMap(colorName -> 
                      .retryWhen(exceptionStream -> exceptionStream
                                    .zipWith(Observable.range(1, 3), (exc, attempts) -> {
                                        //don't retry for IllegalArgumentException
                                        if(exc instanceof IllegalArgumentException) {
                                             return Observable.error(exc);

                                        if(attempts < 3) {
                                             return Observable.timer(2 * attempts, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
                                        return Observable.error(exc);
                                    .flatMap(val -> val)
                      .onErrorResumeNext(Observable.just("generic color")
15:20:23 [main] INFO - Emitting **blue**
15:20:23 [main] INFO - Emitting **green**
15:20:23 [main] INFO - Emitting RuntimeException for red
15:20:23 [main] INFO - Emitting IllegalArgumentException for black
15:20:23 [main] INFO - Emitting **yellow**
15:20:23 [main] INFO - Subscriber received: **blue**
15:20:23 [main] INFO - Subscriber received: **green**
15:20:23 [main] INFO - Subscriber received: generic color
15:20:23 [main] INFO - Subscriber received: **yellow**
15:20:25 [RxComputationScheduler-1] INFO - Emitting RuntimeException for red
15:20:29 [RxComputationScheduler-2] INFO - Emitting RuntimeException for red
15:20:29 [main] INFO - Subscriber received: generic color
15:20:29 [main] INFO - Subscriber got Completed event

retryWhen vs repeatWhen With similar names it worth noting the difference.

Example using repeatWhen() to implement periodic polling

remoteOperation.repeatWhen(completed -> completed
                                     .delay(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS))                                                       


It can be the case of a slow consumer that cannot keep up with the producer that is producing too many events that the subscriber cannot process.

Backpressure relates to a feedback mechanism through which the subscriber can signal to the producer how much data it can consume and so to produce only that amount.

The reactive-streams section above we saw that besides the onNext, onError and onComplete handlers, the Subscriber has an onSubscribe(Subscription), Subscription through which it can signal upstream it’s ready to receive a number of items and after it processes the items request another batch.

public interface Subscriber<T> {
    //signals to the Publisher to start sending events
    public void onSubscribe(Subscription s);     
    public void onNext(T t);
    public void onError(Throwable t);
    public void onComplete();

The methods exposed by Subscription through which the subscriber comunicates with the upstream:

public interface Subscription {
    public void request(long n); //request n items
    public void cancel();

So in theory the Subscriber can prevent being overloaded by requesting an initial number of items. The Publisher would send those items downstream and not produce any more, until the Subscriber would request more. We say in theory because until now we did not see a custom onSubscribe(Subscription) request being implemented. This is because if not specified explicitly, there is a default implementation which requests of Long.MAX_VALUE which basically means “send all you have”.

Neither did we see the code in the producer that takes consideration of the number of items requested by the subscriber.

Flowable.create(subscriber -> {"Started emitting");

      for(int i=0; i < 300; i++) {
           if(subscriber.isCanceled()) {
 "Emitting {}", i);

}, BackpressureStrategy.BUFFER); //BackpressureStrategy will be explained further bellow

Looks like it’s not possible to slow down production based on request(as there is no reference to the requested items), we can at most stop production if the subscriber canceled subscription.

This can be done if we extend Flowable so we can pass our custom Subscription type to the downstream subscriber:

private class CustomRangeFlowable extends Flowable<Integer> {

        private int startFrom;
        private int count;

        CustomRangeFlowable(int startFrom, int count) {
            this.startFrom = startFrom;
            this.count = count;

        public void subscribeActual(Subscriber<? super Integer> subscriber) {
            subscriber.onSubscribe(new CustomRangeSubscription(startFrom, count, subscriber));

        class CustomRangeSubscription implements Subscription {

            volatile boolean cancelled;
            boolean completed = false;
            private int count;
            private int currentCount;
            private int startFrom;

            private Subscriber<? super Integer> actualSubscriber;

            CustomRangeSubscription(int startFrom, int count, Subscriber<? super Integer> actualSubscriber) {
                this.count = count;
                this.startFrom = startFrom;
                this.actualSubscriber = actualSubscriber;

            public void request(long items) {
      "Downstream requests {} items", items);
                for(int i=0; i < items; i++) {
                    if(cancelled || completed) {

                    if(currentCount == count) {
                        completed = true;
                        if(cancelled) {


                    int emitVal = startFrom + currentCount;

            public void cancel() {
                cancelled = true;

Now lets see how we can custom control how many items we request from upstream, to simulate an initial big request, and then a request for other smaller batches of items as soon as the subscriber finishes and is ready for another batch.

Flowable<Integer> flowable = new CustomRangeFlowable(5, 10);

flowable.subscribe(new Subscriber<Integer>() {

       private Subscription subscription;
       private int backlogItems;

       private final int BATCH = 2;
       private final int INITIAL_REQ = 5;

       public void onSubscribe(Subscription subscription) {
                this.subscription = subscription;
                backlogItems = INITIAL_REQ;

      "Initial request {}", backlogItems);

            public void onNext(Integer val) {
      "Subscriber received {}", val);
                backlogItems --;

                if(backlogItems == 0) {
                    backlogItems = BATCH;

            public void onError(Throwable throwable) {
      "Subscriber encountered error");

            public void onComplete() {
      "Subscriber completed");
Initial request 5
Downstream requests 5 items
Subscriber received 5
Subscriber received 6
Subscriber received 7
Subscriber received 8
Subscriber received 9
Downstream requests 2 items
Subscriber received 10
Subscriber received 11
Downstream requests 2 items
Subscriber received 12
Subscriber received 13
Downstream requests 2 items
Subscriber received 14
Subscriber completed        

Returning to the Flowable.create() example since it’s not taking any account of the requested items by the subscriber, does it mean it might overwhelm a slow Subscriber?

private Flowable<Integer> createFlowable(int items,
                     BackpressureStrategy backpressureStrategy) {

return Flowable.create(subscriber -> {"Started emitting");

        for (int i = 0; i < items; i++) {
            if(subscriber.isCancelled()) {
  "Emitting {}", i);

}, backpressureStrategy); //can be BackpressureStrategy.DROP, BUFFER, LATEST,..

This is where the 2nd parameter BackpressureStrategy comes in that allows you to specify what to do in the case.

Still what does it mean to ‘overwhelm’ the subscriber? It means to emit more items than requested by downstream subscriber. But we said that by default the subscriber requests Long.MAX_VALUE since the code flowable.subscribe(onNext(), onError, onComplete) uses a default onSubscribe:

(subscription) -> subscription.request(Long.MAX_VALUE);

so unless we override it like in our custom Subscriber above, it means it would never overflow. But between the Publisher and the Subscriber you’d have a series of operators. When we subscribe, a Subscriber travels up through all operators to the original Publisher and some operators override the requested items upstream. One such operator is observeOn() which makes it’s own request to the upstream Publisher(256 by default), but can take a parameter to specify the request size.

Flowable<Integer> flowable = createFlowable(5, BackpressureStrategy.DROP)
                .observeOn(, false, 3);
flowable.subscribe((val) -> {
                     "Subscriber received: {}", val);
                           }, logError(), logComplete());
[main] - Started emitting
[main] - Emitting 0
[main] - Emitting 1
[main] - Emitting 2
[main] - Emitting 3
[main] - Emitting 4
[RxCachedThreadScheduler-1] - Subscriber received: 0
[RxCachedThreadScheduler-1] - Subscriber received: 1
[RxCachedThreadScheduler-1] - Subscriber received: 2
[RxCachedThreadScheduler-1] - Subscriber got Completed event  

This is expected, as the subscription travels upstream through the operators to the source Flowable, while initially the Subscriber requesting Long.MAX_VALUE from the upstream operator observeOn, which in turn subscribes to the source and it requests just 3 items from the source instead. Since we used BackpressureStrategy.DROP all the items emitted outside the expected 3, get discarded and thus never reach our subscriber.

You may wonder what would have happened if we didn’t use observeOn. We had to use it if we wanted to be able to produce faster than the subscriber(it wasn’t just to show a limited request operator), because we’d need a separate thread to produce events faster than the subscriber processes them.

Also you can transform an Observable to Flowable by specifying a BackpressureStrategy, otherwise Observables just throw exception on overflowing(same as using BackpressureStrategy.DROP in Flowable.create()).

Flowable flowable = observable.toFlowable(BackpressureStrategy.DROP)

so can a hot Publisher be converted to a Flowable:

PublishSubject<Integer> subject = PublishSubject.create();

Flowable<Integer> flowable = subject

There are also specialized operators to handle backpressure the onBackpressureXXX operators: onBackpressureBuffer, onBackpressureDrop, onBackpressureLatest

These operators request Long.MAX_VALUE(unbounded amount) from upstream and then take it upon themselves to manage the requests from downstream. In the case of onBackpressureBuffer it adds in an internal queue and send downstream the events as requested, onBackpressureDrop just discards events that are received from upstream more than requested from downstream, onBackpressureLatest also drops emitted events excluding the last emitted event(most recent).

Flowable<Integer> flowable = createFlowable(10, BackpressureStrategy.MISSING)
                .onBackpressureBuffer(5, () ->"Buffer has overflown"));

flowable = flowable
                .observeOn(, false, 3);

[main] - Started emitting
[main] - Emitting 0
[main] - Emitting 1
[RxCachedThreadScheduler-1] - Subscriber received: 0
[main] - Emitting 2
[main] - Emitting 3
[main] - Emitting 4
[main] - Emitting 5
[main] - Emitting 6
[main] - Emitting 7
[main] - Emitting 8
[main] - Emitting 9
[main] - Buffer has overflown
[RxCachedThreadScheduler-1] ERROR - Subscriber received error 'Buffer is full'                

We create the Flowable with BackpressureStrategy.MISSING saying we don’t care about backpressure but let one of the onBackpressureXXX operators handle it. Notice however

Chaining together multiple onBackpressureXXX operators doesn’t actually make sense Using something like

Flowable<Integer> flowable = createFlowable(10, BackpressureStrategy.MISSING)
                 .onBackpressureDrop((val) ->"Dropping {}", val))
flowable = flowable
                .observeOn(, false, 3);

is not behaving as probably you’d expected - buffer 5 values, and then dropping overflowing events-. Because onBackpressureDrop subscribes to the previous onBackpressureBuffer operator signaling it’s requesting Long.MAX_VALUE(unbounded amount) from it. Thus onBackpressureBuffer will never feel its subscriber is overwhelmed and never “trigger”, meaning that the last onBackpressureXXX operator overrides the previous one if they are chained.

Of course for implementing an event dropping strategy after a full buffer, there is the special overrided version of onBackpressureBuffer that takes a BackpressureOverflowStrategy.

Flowable<Integer> flowable = createFlowable(10, BackpressureStrategy.MISSING)
                .onBackpressureBuffer(5, () ->"Buffer has overflown"),

flowable = flowable
                .observeOn(, false, 3);


[main] - Started emitting
[main] - Emitting 0
[main] - Emitting 1
[RxCachedThreadScheduler-1] - Subscriber received: 0
[main] - Emitting 2
[main] - Emitting 3
[main] - Emitting 4
[main] - Emitting 5
[main] - Emitting 6
[main] - Emitting 7
[main] - Emitting 8
[main] - Buffer has overflown
[main] - Emitting 9
[main] - Buffer has overflown
[RxCachedThreadScheduler-1] - Subscriber received: 1
[RxCachedThreadScheduler-1] - Subscriber received: 2
[RxCachedThreadScheduler-1] - Subscriber received: 5
[RxCachedThreadScheduler-1] - Subscriber received: 6
[RxCachedThreadScheduler-1] - Subscriber received: 7
[RxCachedThreadScheduler-1] - Subscriber received: 8
[RxCachedThreadScheduler-1] - Subscriber received: 9
[RxCachedThreadScheduler-1] - Subscriber got Completed event

onBackpressureXXX operators can be added whenever necessary and it’s not limited to cold publishers and we can use them on hot publishers also.

Articles and books for further reading

Reactive Programming with RxJava